Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm signing off....

So these past few years have simply been nothing short of amazing working with you all and sharing my tips on saving money!  After a lot of thought and prayer I have decided to hang up the scissors and retire this portion of my life.  I will not be teaching classes any longer, and will not be writing on this blog any longer either.  I will keep this blog active so you can reference any materials already posted, but there will be no new content.  

Those of you who are in need of a coupon class, Shannon will still be teaching classes and her info is found just to the right here.  She is an amazing teacher and will be a wealth of knowledge for you and your friends.  

Saving money is now a lifestyle for me so I may pop in and post findings for my good friend Jen on her website,  I will also keep posting over at cause that's just plain fun!! 

So what will I be doing with all this free time??   Well, you have heard that the Lord works in mysterious ways, right?  After I announced my 'retirement' I was approached with an opportunity to run a fundraising website!  Since I can do everything literally from home, and I was thrilled with the concept I jumped on board.  Basically, I would be setting up an online store for schools, sports teams, etc and when people shop there, the group gets 30% of the sales.  There is no minimum requirements, no products to distribute, no money to collect, no catalogs to send home.  AND these groups can collect money year round!!  Being a part of PTA for the past 7 years I know what a pain fundraising is so this is a no brainer!!  Check out and see what it's all about.  You can email me at to sign up your school, team, etc.  Super fun right??!  

I just want to thank you all for you support over the past several years!  Who knew that I would get to meet such amazing people on this journey!  Thank you thank you thank you!!  And best of luck with all you couponing adventures!! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Basic Bread Class 101

It's time to get your bakin' on!!

With a family of 7 I have developed a few unique talents to help save some money.  One thing I have really come to love is baking bread!  I've had a few good recipes over the years, but it wasn't until I went to a Bread Class that my eyes were truly opened to the possibilities!   Kate Hulet is the bread master!  And tonight... I am hosting a class with her.  There are a few seats left for a couple of my readers - 3 to be exact... Comment here, email me or text me and I will send you the address.  First come, first serve!!! 

Details - November 1, 2012 @ 6:30pm
Cost - $15 (come hungry - you will get recipes to take home as well as a full tummy sampling the yummy fruits of our labors)
Address - I will send to you shortly. But it's on the west side (Blue Diamond and El Captain)

Yeah for bread!!  Best part is you can make a loaf super easy for about .30!!!  Yeah for saving money!!



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