Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm signing off....

So these past few years have simply been nothing short of amazing working with you all and sharing my tips on saving money!  After a lot of thought and prayer I have decided to hang up the scissors and retire this portion of my life.  I will not be teaching classes any longer, and will not be writing on this blog any longer either.  I will keep this blog active so you can reference any materials already posted, but there will be no new content.  

Those of you who are in need of a coupon class, Shannon will still be teaching classes and her info is found just to the right here.  She is an amazing teacher and will be a wealth of knowledge for you and your friends.  

Saving money is now a lifestyle for me so I may pop in and post findings for my good friend Jen on her website,  I will also keep posting over at cause that's just plain fun!! 

So what will I be doing with all this free time??   Well, you have heard that the Lord works in mysterious ways, right?  After I announced my 'retirement' I was approached with an opportunity to run a fundraising website!  Since I can do everything literally from home, and I was thrilled with the concept I jumped on board.  Basically, I would be setting up an online store for schools, sports teams, etc and when people shop there, the group gets 30% of the sales.  There is no minimum requirements, no products to distribute, no money to collect, no catalogs to send home.  AND these groups can collect money year round!!  Being a part of PTA for the past 7 years I know what a pain fundraising is so this is a no brainer!!  Check out and see what it's all about.  You can email me at to sign up your school, team, etc.  Super fun right??!  

I just want to thank you all for you support over the past several years!  Who knew that I would get to meet such amazing people on this journey!  Thank you thank you thank you!!  And best of luck with all you couponing adventures!! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Basic Bread Class 101

It's time to get your bakin' on!!

With a family of 7 I have developed a few unique talents to help save some money.  One thing I have really come to love is baking bread!  I've had a few good recipes over the years, but it wasn't until I went to a Bread Class that my eyes were truly opened to the possibilities!   Kate Hulet is the bread master!  And tonight... I am hosting a class with her.  There are a few seats left for a couple of my readers - 3 to be exact... Comment here, email me or text me and I will send you the address.  First come, first serve!!! 

Details - November 1, 2012 @ 6:30pm
Cost - $15 (come hungry - you will get recipes to take home as well as a full tummy sampling the yummy fruits of our labors)
Address - I will send to you shortly. But it's on the west side (Blue Diamond and El Captain)

Yeah for bread!!  Best part is you can make a loaf super easy for about .30!!!  Yeah for saving money!!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Save $$ on Cell phones with Solavei

It's funny how once you start trying to save money in one area (like groeries) it is super easy to find other ways to cut back.  We have been able to reduce the cost of our car insurance by simply shopping around, we cut back on cable TV, and are crazy vigilant about keeping power bill at a reasonable level. 

Well, in this day and age it is has become harder and harder to cut down on the cost of technology.  Specifically - the dreaded cell phone bill!  Well, NO MORE!!  A friend turned me on to a new cell phone company that is capitalizing on the power of social media.  It is called Solavei.  For $49 a month, you get smart phone 4G service and unlimited data, phone, and text.  Period.  $49.  No gimicks, add ons, and no contract!  
(can you tell I'm excited?!)  

Our family has been paying between $200-$300 a month for 3 smart phones.  We now will be paying a flat $150 for UNLIMITED service!!  

CLICK HERE to watch a quick video and catch the vision...

Or... go to for more information!  

Come join the fun and toss out that expensive cell phone bill!  Joint in the next few days and bring along you smart phone for FREE and get your first month for FREE!  


Friday, October 12, 2012

Coupon Clean-Up October 2012

It's that time again.... Time to lighten the load on you coupon boxes that are overflowing with old inserts.  What?  It's just me?   Well then, for my own sanity, here is a list of all the inserts that have current coupons.  Listed below are the inserts, the date they arrived on your porch - yeah - and the expiration date of the last coupon in the pack.  There are a chunk that will be ready to toss at the end of the month so come back and refresh you bucket-o-money.  Remember to keep the inserts WHOLE until you are ready to use that coupon with a great sale! 

If you need inserts, the best place to get them is by becoming a subscriber to the Sunday paper!  Most of the deals listed on the site will give you each Sunday paper for less than $1 per paper!!  Seriously, such a great deal there is no need for dumpster diving :-).

Box Tops 8/5 (10/27/12)
Moments to Save 9/30 (10/20/12)
P&G 9/30

Red Plum 4/15 (10/15/12)
Red Plum 6/10 (10/31/12)
Red Plum 7/8 (11/15/12)
Red Plum (skinny cow) 7/29 (10/31/12)
Red Plum (unilever) 7/29 (10/31/12)
Red Plum 8/12 (12/12/12)
Red Plum 8/19 (11/19/12)
Red Plum 8/26 (10/31/12)
Red Plum 9/9 (12/31/12)
Red Plum 9/16 (12/31/12)
Red Plum 9/30 (3/31/13)
Red Plum 10/7 (1/7/13)

Smart Source 4/22 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 5/13 (11/30/12)
Smart Source 7/8 (10/31/12)
Smart Source 7/22 (10/31/12)
Smart Source 7/29 (11/30/12)
Smart Source 8/5 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 8/12 (11/30/12)
Smart Source 8/19 (11/30/12)
Smart Source 8/26 (12/31/12)
Smart Source - Labels 9/9 (12/31/12)
Smart Source - Vision Works 9/9 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 9/16 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 9/23 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 9/30 (12/31/12)
Smart Source 10/14 (1/6/13)
Smart Source 10/7 (1/7/13)

Yoplait 10/7 (12/29/12)

As always, when you are staring at that big stack of old inserts don't panic!  You can take them down to recycle or pass along to the military overseas.  


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My 2 yr old saw me getting in the shower the other day and exclaimed, "Ewww. Disgusting."  I tried not to take it personal.  It didn't work.  So, I am putting my big girl pants on and putting myself to work.  

This year I have decided to work on ME!  I have some goals for my body - nothing drastic (the facelift isn't for me). I just want to FEEL better.  I am trying really hard to not feel guilty about getting my hair cut our splurging and having my nails done, or buying that $12 dress at Ross.  That isn't working yet either.  

I recently attended a Breathe Intensive and through some powerful exercises learned a ton about myself and my goals for me and my family.  One exercise had us brain dumping all those little nagging tasks we had lurking in our mind.  Ummm... my list is 4 pages long and my brain still feels full.  No worries!  Breathe in... Breathe out... It will get done if I take it one at a time. 

So I decided to start with my "back-office" stuff with this blog and my other duties as a Grocery Smarts manager.  It is now almost midnight and I have knocked out a HUGE chunk of tasks.  

My eye is twitching now, but have you noticed anything different about this site???  The pages at the top???  Doesn't everything look so nice and tidy???  Just say yes and make me feel better because I have been looking at this blog for months thinking "Ewwww. Disgusting."  

Stay tuned for a few more changes!  Let me know what you think!! 


Sunday, February 19, 2012

2012 Coupon Schedule

Just so none of us are blindsided when we open our Sunday papers only to find out that there are NO COUPONS... Here is a schedule for the year on what you can expect to find each week in the paper.  
NOTE:  Vegas peeps, don't forget that your Redplum comes on Tuesday in your junk mail with the ads.

1 — (2) Smart Source & P&G, (2) Redplum
8 — Smart Source & Redplum
15 — Smart Source (NO Redplum)
22 — Smart Source & Redplum
29 — Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum 

5 — Redplum & Smart Source
12 — (2) Smart Source & Redplum
19 — Redplum (NO SmartSource)
26 — (2) Smart Source (NO Redplum)

4 — Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum
11 — Smart Source & Redplum
18 — Smart Source & Redplum
25 — Smart Source & Redplum

1 — (2) Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & (2) Redplum
8 — NO INSERTS (Easter)
15 — Smart Source & Redplum
22 — Smart Source (No Redplum)
29 — Smart Source & Redplum

6 — Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum
13 — Smart Source & Redplum
20 — Smart Source & Redplum
27 — NO INSERTS (Memorial Day)

3 — Smart Source & Procter and Gamble & Redplum
10 — Smart Source & Redplum
17 — Smart Source & Redplum
24 — Smart Source & Redplum

1 — NO INSERTS (July 4th)
8 — Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum
15 — Smart Source (No Redplum)
22 — Smart Source & Redplum
29 — Smart Source & Redplum

5 — Smart Source & Redplum
12 — Smart Source & Redplum
19 — Smart Source & Redplum
26 — Smart Source & Redplum

2 — NO INSERTS (Labor Day)
9 — (2) Smart Source & Redplum
16 — Smart Source & Redplum
23 — Smart Source (No Redplum)
30 — Smart Source & Redplum

7 — (2) Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum
14 — Smart Source & Redplum
21 — Smart Source & Redplum
28 — Smart Source & Redplum

4 — Smart Source, Procter and Gamble & Redplum
11 — Smart Source & (2) Redplum
18 — Smart Source (No Redplum)
25 — NO INSERTS (Thanksgiving)

2 — Redplum & Smart Source & Procter and Gamble
9 — Redplum & Smart Source
16 — Smart Source (No Redplum)
23 — NO INSERTS (Christmas)
30 — NO INSERTS (New Years)

SOURCE ~ SmartSource dates thanks to Sunday Coupon Preview.  They put up a schedule I'm guessing based on previous years trends, so it may not be 100% accurate as far as the days we will find 2 inserts and such.  Pretty much major holidays we know there won't be inserts so that's a given.  Red Plums verified through their official schedule, and the P&G again is a projected best guess.  You can look each month at their site which will tell you the date of their upcoming insert.  Unfortunately it will only post one month in advance, but it's something ;-). 

psst...on those weeks that there are absolutely no inserts on Sunday, contact your newspaper and be "on vacation" that weekend.  With no delivery, you won't get charged that week and you won't end up with a bunch of empty papers.  I would however you keep at least one paper coming just in case there is a little surprise you don't want to miss. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Great Tip for Congested Babies

My father-in-law actually told me about this years ago.  You may already know this little trick, but if not you are in for a treat!
My little guy was not feeling well a few weeks ago.  Since he is under 2 years old, there is not an over-the-counter decongestant for infants so I grabbed my trusty little trick.  

Take those cute little tootsies and put some Vicks Vap-o Rub (you may find a coupon in the PG 1/29 - surprise!) on on the bottom of their feet.  Give those piggies a nice little rub and then put on some socks.  That's it!  I'm sure someone could tell me why this works, but all I know is that after a little while my little man is feeling so much better. 
Now, the downside is, he will wake up and be back to his I'm-into-everything stage.  In the meantime, I will just enjoy this sweet moment. {sigh}.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Extreme Couponing All-Stars

Does it seem like I've completely fallen off the face of the earth?  Well, I kind of have.  These past few months have been so awesome, and such a blessing, and at the same time completely OVERWHELMING!!  I'm sure none of you have ever felt like that??  

So, here's a little bit about what I have been up to lately.... 

#1 - I have 5 kids and a hubby who just is amazing.  For Christmas we gave the kids each an "activity" they could participate in this year.  Our oldest daughter is taking piano lessons, next son is playing tackle football, middle man is playing basketball (but already dreaming about soccer and baseball), our little princess is in preschool and dance classes too.  Just the baby and I are now committed to being official chauffeur for this rowdy bunch and loving every minute! 

#2 - I am now teaching at big couponing events in Sacramento, around Southern California, and here in Vegas about twice a month.  And by "big", I mean anywhere from 80-450 people at a time!  If that's not "Extreme" I don't know what is! These classes are helping me rake in tons of frequent flyer miles for sure.
Here is info for my next Sac trip this week - CLICK HERE

#3 - My in-home classes in Las Vegas have exploded these past few months too!  If you are thinking about booking a class call me quick!  I have classes booked out in March and April already but still have openings this month too.  Remember the class is FREE, so think of a few people you may know who need to learn how to save money and you could even come away with a little grocery money of your own.  

#4 - Not sure if any of you caught the new series on TLC called Extreme Couponing All-Stars on January 2nd, but you may see someone in that episode you recognize (wink, wink).  If you missed the episode, here's a link to view it.  You will be AMAZED at how much we got for so little!  This time it was all for charity which made it even more fun.  Would I do it again?  For this kind of situation, yes.  I love being the cheerleader and behind the scenes backup, but you won't see me featured on my own episode any time in the future.  For some extra insights on the show, check out the article I wrote for the RJ about it, and a quick video Jen and I did following the experience.  Jen's website also has some hilarious behind the scene photos of us with the crew (never a dull moment with this mamma I tell ya).   

#5 - I am so super lucky to work with the children in our church every week.  This is a chance for me to serve and just enjoy the sweet spirits of Heavenly Father's children.  If you ever wonder about the love Jesus has for each of us, come sit in on one of my sharing times.  It never ceases to amaze me how even little ones as young as 3 can understand important principles of the gospel like, "Where did you live before you came to earth?"  Ask that to my group of 60+ kids and they will answer almost in union, "WITH JESUS!"  Primary is like the best kept secret in our church, and while it also takes a chunk of my time each week, it's a small price to pay for such big rewards.  

#6 - One of my dear friends just started a new blog and asked if I would be a contibutor!  It just launched this week and already is promising to be quite the site!  I am thrilled to be a part of this movement to help women discover their best selves.  Not sure how much deep insight I will be able to give, but I'm ready to help out any way I can.  Pop on over to Smitten By, like them on Facebook, and enter one of the several give-a-ways they have going on this month!  

#7 - We can't forget the everyday of it all.... cooking, cleaning, comforting, laundry, bathe, classroom helper, pinterest addict, keep-it-all-together mom business of everyday life! 

It's easy to see that I have lots on my plate, so if I don't answer the phone right away, or return an email until the wee hours of the morning, I'm not ignoring you... I just am a little but consumed at that exact moment.  I do however, look forward to working with each of you and helping you cut hundreds out of your grocery bill each month.  It is possible and oh so easy!  Give me a call (and leave a message) and let's get you started! 


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coupon Clean-Up!

Every few months I do this post mostly to help me get my stuff together, but I figure if I'm going to do the work then why not share it!  A bunch of the old inserts expired with the new year and I was hoping to get this up sooner, but here ya go anyway... 

The following list of inserts should be filed away nicely in your file box.  Any other inserts that you have in there are safe to recycle or pass along to the military overseas.  

Smart Source 10/2
Smart Source 10/16
Smart Source 10/30
Smart Source 11/6
Smart Source 11/20
Smart Source 11/13
Smart Source 12/4
Smart Source 12/11
Smart Source (Eye Masters) 1/1
Smart Source (Nestle) 1/1
Smart Source 1/8
Smart Source (Johnson & Johnson) 1/8
Smart Source 1/15
Smart Source 1/22
Smart Source 1/29

Red Plum 11/13
Red Plum 12/4
Red Plum 12/11
Red Plum 1/1
Red Plum 1/8
Red Plum 1/15
Red Plum 1/22
Red Plum 1/29
Red Plum (Sweet Tomatoes) 1/29

Proctor & Gamble 1/29
Box Tops 1/8
Everyday Saver 11/13

Keep in mind that this information is based on coupons and expiration dates for the Las Vegas area.  If you live outside Vegas, please double check your inserts before tossing them.  If after you go through your coupons and realize you need more... then order multiple copies of the Sunday paper!  Our deal with the Review-Journal puts Sunday papers on your doorstep for about .75 each!  That's a great price for any couponer!  Click here to order for Las Vegas, or for any other areas, check the sidebar for those links.  Thanks!



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