Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Super Kids Consignment Sale

If you are a true Grocery Smart-er, you will have no doubt seen the link at the bottom of the list for Pickled Pepper Kids Consignment.  We have had a few local consignment stores close recently, so I don't know about you, but with the arrival of baby #5, I am really looking forward to this!!   If you have any questions, let me know!!  Here is what the founder, Rachel, has to say about the event:

I discovered seasonal consignment sales when I moved to Louisiana 9 years ago for my husband's graduate schooling.  We didn't have any kids yet, but the stopend that we had to life off while he was in school was a whopping $16,000.  We had committed to have me stay at home with the kids when we had them, and so we knew from the get-go that we had to use every opportunity that we could find to make money and save money.

During the years we were there (for a total of 7 years and 3 kids!) I was able to shop and volunteer at a local children's consignment sale, and I just couldn't get over the win/win/win situation if provided:

1) Consignors could get rid of stuff they didn't want and make money!  They didn't have to hold a garage sale or sell things one at a time on ebay or craig's list;  they could gather their stuff and get rid of it all at once, then get paid all at once.
2) Shoppers (that was me at the time) could get the things they needed for their baby, their nursery, and their quickly-growing children at dramatically reduced prices from the retail store, in brands they might not be able to afford otherwise.  They didn't have to spend all year sorting through thrift store clothing or going to garage sales - they could just find it all in one spot, pre-checked for stains, tear, and excessive wear.

3) The sale organizers obviously loved what they were doing even though it was HARD work, and the proceeds from the sale could cover their expenses and hopefully make it worth it to them to hold another one the next season--plus, they were able to gather an enormous amount of items to give to worthy local charities when consignors donated their left over items.

These were the things that gave me the impetus to start Pickled Pepper Kids with my mom, Lori Jones, and two of my sisters who are also now moms like me, Jessica Brown and Christina Dickerson.  We wanted to provide this service to the Las Vegas Valley.

We have grown from a small event held in Lori's home and garage with about 35 consignors, to our approaching Spring event which promises 150-200 consignors in a huge commercial space.  We love getting to know our consignors and volunteers and have made some great friends along the way.  We'd like to invite you to join us!!

Our Spring 2010 event will be held May 3rd - 8th, coming up in just a little over a week.  It is easy to be a consignor.  Register on our consignor page online, check out the list of items we accept, and start entering your tags online.  You choose how much to charge for your items, whether you'd like them to go half-price or not on the last day of the event, and whether or not you'd like to donate unsold items to charity or come pick them up.  Drop them off on May 3rd or 4th, and we'll mail your check for 2/3 of the selling price of your items within about 3 weeks.  We will deduct a small $8 fee from your check to help us cover overhead expenses.  You'll be amazed at how much you can make by cleaning out your kids' closets. 

If you aren't up for consigning, you can also gain early shopping privileges by volunteering at the sales.  If not, you'll want to be sure to shop early and often, as items sell quickly and on the last day of the sale, most items are sold at 50% off.

Check out our web site at pickledpepperskids.com for the location, map, times, and all the details. You can also email us at pickledpepperskids@gmail.com. We are also doing a drawing on facebook this week for some prizes donated by this years’ vendors.
Happy shopping . . .
Rachel Snider

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Marriage Ref

I died laughing at this clip!! I think I need to call this lady and show her the EASY way to coupon!! She could be in and out of the store, saving HALF her bill, and saving HALF the time. I just love this job.

So this begs the question... How does YOUR husband feel about your shopping trips??

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Newspaper Update


BIG Changes are happening at the RJ this past week.  If you look closely at your Sunday paper, you may have noticed the price has increased from $2.50 to a full $3.00!  Another BIG change you may not have noticed is that the RJ is no longer available at the Dollar Stores around town!   

Why am I so excited about this!?!  Well, because OUR price has not increased at ALL!  I used to get excited to tell people at my classes that we can offer the Sunday Only paper at about a 60% discount off the regular price... well, my fellow couponers, our savings is now closer to 70%!  (68% to be exact).  Don't you just love a good sale?!! 

Now, there may be some of you out there who have been Dollar Store faithfuls and getting your coupons there - I know you're out there.  How would you feel about paying LESS than $1 each for your coupons now? AND they come to YOU every week!! 

Call me anytime to place your order, or you can check out my new Online Order Form and you can start receiving your papers in just a few weeks!!   Even better - why don't you host a class!!  Remember at the classes I can offer you a gift card to Albertsons to help offset the cost of your subscriptions & you can earn more great prizes.  Check out these posts for more info on how easy it is to host a class.  

I can't wait to help you start SAVING big money - call me today!  882-0172

I'm Baaaack!

It's been a few weeks and I'm sure you all missed me!  I took some time off to pop out baby #5 (I can't believe it either).  Baby Jaxson was born on 3/23 at 7:40am weighing in at 9lbs and he was 20" long.  Yes, that was 9lbs and no he was not my biggest baby.  He gave us quite a scare though.  I guess being fifth he wanted to make sure we paid him some extra attention.  Well, he got a bit too excited about entering this world and inhaled a bunch of amniotic fluid.  He went into respiratory distress, was treated for pneumonia, and to top it off added some cardiac hypertension.  Our boy won himself a nice long stay at the NICU until he could sort out his issues.  Thanks to some wonderful doctors and nurses at St Rose, and LOTS of prayers from family and friends, Jaxson got to come home just in time for Easter!  Quite a miracle!!

Anyway, life is as crazy as ever, but I thrive on crazy!  I will be resuming classes beginning on the 20th, so if you have been waiting, now's the time to book that class!!  Call me at 882-0172, or email me at thegrocerygeek@cox.net to reserve your date!  If you ask nicely, I just may bring my little man along for the ride ;-)


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