Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Love Sundays!

I love Sundays for several reasons.... #1 - it's our family day #2 - it's coupon day!!!
This is my favorite thing to see first thing Sunday morning. I eat breakfast and search for my coupons (or CASH as I like to think of them), and look for any other great deals that pop out at me. So, this week, I spotted an additional page of store coupons for Albertsons including:

Kraft Singles for .99
Doritos for 1.49
Knudsen Sour Cream for .99
Aquarius Spring water-24 pack - 2.49
Quilted Northern or Brawny - 4.99
Baby Carrots-1 lb - .49!
3 coupons to MATCH the amount of one manufacturer coupon!!! Times that by the 5 papers and could be at least a $15 savings if I use all of them on $1 off coupons!!!

In the SmartSource alone this week, are savings of $69.70! I quickly looked at the coupons I would really use and it is still a savings of $32.80. BUT, remember I have 5 sets so that's $164!!!

Not bad for spending less than $5 for my weeks worth of papers!!!
Call me if you are ready to get yours too and start saving BIG!!


Back to School, Back to Savings!

As you can probably see, I haven't been posting for a while. For that I apologize to my loyal readers, but don't apologize for my reason. We had a fun-filled last few weeks of summer & I took advantage of that precious time with my hubby and kiddos.

Well, school's back in, and things are settling down to "normal" (if that is at all possible). So, it's back to the grindstone and back to saving BIG TIME at the grocery store!!

If you would like to book a class, or need a re-fresher course, leave me a comment or email me your information and I can put you on my calendar. There is a great promotion going on at Smith's right now and there is no fancy couponing involved. If you are a first-timer or just need a little confidence boost using this system, you can't miss these deals!! Let me know how you do! Good luck!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

CVS Preview...

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts lately. I think summer has taken over my life for the time being. Time to get back on the horse...

Here is the CVS PREVIEW list, so you can get everything ready to hit the store running this week. Did you know that this sale is actually activated on Saturday night?? You may see me at CVS picking up a few lunch boxes for my kids since this last week I can earn $3 ECBs on each and this week they are 25% off. Could be a great steal...

Also, there are LOTS of school supplies at deep discounts AND ECBs. If you haven't started accumulating any ECBs, this may be just the time to start.

(As soon as the sale officially starts on Sunday, the CVS list will be up on the GrocerySmarts website)


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